MOG 231/01

The Legislative Decree 231/2001 introduced a new form of corporate liability for certain types of crimes committed by its directors and employees, as well as by persons acting in the name and on behalf of San Polo Lamiere S.p.A.

San Polo Lamiere S.p.A., in reference to Legislative Decree 231/2001, formally established an Organizational Management and Control Model. The Model thus adopted arises from the need, as well as the regulation, to successfully tackle the complexity of the situations in which the company operates, clearly defining the set of values ​​that inspires and wants to be respected. In no way can the conviction of acting for the benefit of the Company justify the adoption of behavior in contrast with these principles.

The Model of San Polo Lamiere S.p.A. consists of a “General Part” and a “Special Part” which defines the different types of crimes and offenses to be prevented.

Still in the same section, we suggest to insert another part dedicated to the Ethical Code with a document and a brief description:

For all those who work with and within San Polo Lamiere S.p.A., the Ethical Code is the tool through which the Company sets out its values ​​and principles of behavior.

All those who entertain business relations with, in the name and on behalf of San Polo Lamiere S.p.A. they are required to contribute to its implementation and to the dissemination of the principles formalized in it, so that all relations with external bodies can be conducted on the basis of the most absolute correctness, in full observance of the rights of others, in compliance with applicable laws and the principles of belonging to the company.

At the basis of the Ethical Code there is a long-term commitment, that supports and gives foundation to the strategy and economic objectives of the industrial development of San Polo Lamiere S.p.A.


Link Ethical Code

SAN POLO LAMIERE S.p.A. undertakes to guarantee the protection of people who, as part of their relationship with the Company, report violations of European Union law and national regulatory provisions, as required by Legislative Decree. 24/2023.

The EQS Integrity Line platform represents the internal channel implemented for this purpose by SAN POLO LAMIERE S.p.A. and Group to which the company belongs.

This channel:

• allows you to make a report in written or oral form

• is configured in compliance with the parameters set in the Legislative Decree. 24/2023, to guarantee the confidentiality of the reporter, of any reported subject and of the content of the report

• allows you to maintain contact with the report manager, using the „Secure Inbox“

• it is totally free for the user.

The EQS Integrity Line platform allows the reporter to communicate their personal data or to remain anonymous.

The reporting party may also request from the reporting manager – Alfa Solutions S.p.A. a face-to-face meeting.

The whistleblower is invited to read the corporate procedure adopted by the company.


Link Send Report (Whistleblowing)